What are the common symptoms of GERD?
Heartburn and regurgitation are the classic symptoms of GERD. Heartburn is feeling of burning sensation in the chest or upper abdomen region. Regurgitation is movement of gastric juices and undigested food from stomach into the esophagus and into the mouth.
What are the uncommon symptoms of GERD?
Patients with GERD can also complain of chest pain, difficulty swallowing, chronic cough, sore throat, hoarseness of voice, dental erosions.
What are the causes of GERD?
GERD is considered a diet and lifestyle disease. Various dietary risk factors include alcohol, spicy or fatty food, citrus fruits, excessive tea/coffee, carbonated drinks. Lifestyle risk factors include smoking, using aspirin or other over-the-counter medicines for pain, obesity.
Can GERD be cured?
The short answer is yes. Maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle by regular exercise, avoiding fast food, binge eating can help prevent symptoms of GERD.
What are the home remedies for acid reflux?
Some of the home remedies which you should consider includes avoiding eating foods that trigger acid reflux, avoid lying down after taking meals, take small meals, sleeping in left side decubitus position, elevating head end of the bed slightly and wearing loose fitted clothes. Antacid syrups can be tried for immediate relief of symptoms.
What are the medicines for GERD or acid reflux?
There are various medicines available for GERD or acid reflux. These medicines should be used under supervision of your health care provider because of risk of side effects, possible drug interactions